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Author Archives: billselak

Storybook Sharing

Here are the math literature books you shared:

Literature Links: Algebra

Here are books that are aligned with NCTM algebra standards:

As always, you can view the entire literature library here.

Algebra resources

This week, we will review the algebra strand. You might want to print out a copy of the presentation before class.

You can also view the lecture for the algebra strand.

Assignment: Lesson Plan

Creative writing class lesson planQualities of an excellent math lesson plan:
• Pre-assessment drives the lesson
• Connection between pre-assessment, lesson objective, activity, post assessment
• Content is accurate, relevant, and meets identified standards
• Activities are developmentally appropriate
• Variations to lesson that accommodate diverse learners
• Pertinent materials and step-by-step procedures described in a clear manner
• Extensions to lesson that reinforce initial lesson objective

Important forms:

  1. Lesson plan form
  2. Lesson plan rubric
  3. Lesson plan tips

The Number and Operations lesson plan is due week 6. Three additional lesson plans are due week 9. The final lesson plan is due week 10, and is submitted through TaskStream.

Assignment: Fieldwork

Observe, document, and teach preschool and school-aged children for a total of 15 hours. Documentation of the hours must be completed on the provided form. Using the focus questions, write a 2-page reflection at the end of the observations.

Complete and submit the following:
• 15 hours of observation
• 15 observation forms
• teach 2 lessons (as part of your 15 hours of observation)
• write 1 preschool summary (based on focus questions)
• write 1 school-aged summary (based on focus questions)
• PowerPoint presentation (of your teaching experience)

Due Week 10.

Literature Links: Number & Operations

Here are books that are aligned with NCTM number and operations standards:

As always, you can view the entire literature library here.

Assignment: Research Article Summary

blocksRead an empirical research article. The article will be current research related to the field of mathematics. Read the article thoroughly, and highlight important supporting information, findings, and conclusions. You must write in an essay format (no bullet points or lists). After you have read the article thoroughly, write a 2-3 page article summary that includes the following information:

  1. What is the stated purpose of the article?
  2. What theoretical model do the researchers use, and how does this model support the purpose of the research?
  3. What important information is given to provide the reader with background knowledge about the topic?
  4. From the Methods section, clearly identify each of the following: 1. Participants; 2. Measures: the area that was being assessed, the age of the children, the instrument used and the reliability of the instrument.
  5. From the Discussion section, what are the most important stated results?
  6. From the Discussion section, what conclusions can you draw based on the research presented in this article?

The paper must be submitted in APA formatting. ,shadow Here is a video tutorial explaining APA formatting. Additionally, you will share your summary of the article in class next week.

Literature links

NaNoWriMo begins Each week, we will look at children’s books that are aligned with the NCTM standards. You can find links to these books:

  1. In the weekly page notes
  2. On the right column of this page under the Literature heading
  3. In the literature library

Assignment: Sign up for free trial to NCTM

nctm logoVisit http://standardstrial.nctm.org/triallogin.asp and get a free 120-day trial to NCTM. You will need access to the NCTM standards throughout the course. Please save proof of your NCTM registration confirmation in your Dropbox folder. You can print out all 5 strands (number & operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis & probability) now at once, or weekly during the course.

Due Week 2.

Welcome to EDUC 448

This course covers math curriculum for children ages three to eight based on the standards set by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Guidelines of the California State Department of Education. Students will explore their own phobia, and the role teachers play in creating math phobia. They will study math with the goal of improving their own math skills, and learn to challenge and excite children in the study of math. This class is 4 units and includes 15 hours of fieldwork (1 unit).

This site organizes class information into a week-by-week layout. We will regularly be using BlackBoard in this class. You will use Google Drive to submit assignments. You don’t need to sign up for Google Drive–it’s part of your La Verne gmail/google account. The weekly pages above match our weekly class discussions. Please email me with any questions.