Week 2: Non-Linear Editing

We will be editing this footage in class. Please download it:

Here is how to save videos to your iPad’s camera roll. If you would like to practice editing using the footage from above, you will need to purchase and use iCab Mobile as your web browser. This browser allows you to save videos (and links to videos) on the iPad Camera Roll.

Due: Rules of Composition

Review the assignment. Be prepared to present your nine photos to the class.

Non-Linear Editing

You don’t have to record material in order. With digital editing, you can easily arrange clips in any order you like. This gives you flexibility to go back and record cutaway and reverse shots later.

Edited video is designed to make you feel a certain way. You can take the same footage and make people feel happy or scared. The “trailer” for Scary Poppins illustrates this concept:

Here’s a mashup of two videos that clearly repurposes the original movies Back to the Future and Brokeback Mountain:

Fair Use

The Center for Social Media focuses on fast-changing environment for public media. The following is paraphrased from their page Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video: Fair use is flexible; it is not uncertain or unreliable. In fact, for any particular field of critical or creative activity, lawyers and judges consider expectations and practice in assessing what is “fair” within the field. Ask yourself,

“Did the unlicensed use “transform” the material taken from the copyrighted work by using it for a different purpose than that of the original, or did it just repeat the work for the same intent and value as the original?”

If you can answer “yes”, then you may use video in your classroom.Please read this article that discusses the implications of fair use of video in the classroom.

Make Better Videos

There are a few important tips that will greatly increase the quality of your videos. Watch and learn:

180 Degrees Rule

The 180° rule is a basic guideline in film making that states that two characters (or other elements) in the same scene should always have the same left/right relationship to each other. If the camera passes over the imaginary axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line. The new shot, from the opposite side, is known as a reverse angle.

Read more at Wikipedia.