
Week Topics Assignments
Week 1 Developing a Professional Learning Network via Twitter, Social Professional Development, Ed Tech Organizations Subscribe: and
Week 2 Blogging as an Educator, Blogging with Students, Online Collaborative Spaces, Search Strategies, Social Bookmarking, Google Sites, Social Media Develop a PLN on Twitter
(due weekly)
Week 3 Google+, Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets & Scripts, Google Presentations, Google Apps for Education, Gmail Educational Technology Blog
Week 4 Flipped Classroom & Delivering Instruction Online, Creating Web Video, Sharing Content with Students & Colleagues Faith Integration Paper
Week 5 Flipped Classroom & Optimizing Face-to-Face Time, Interactive Flipped Lessons, BYOD, Backchannels, Virtual Classrooms, Video Streaming Educational Technology Blog
Week 6  Mobile Devices, iOS Apps for Teachers, iOS Student Skills Apps, iOS Student Creation Apps Educational Technology Blog
Week 7 Classroom Workflows, Hashtags, Apple TV, Dropbox, URL Shorteners, Whiteboard Paint, If This Then That Classroom Website
Week 8 Ed Tech Trends, Creative Commons, Home-School Connection, Classroom Management Educational Technology Blog
Week 9 Authoring, Distributing Content, Student Devices, Student-Led Hangout Attend an Ed Tech Unconference;
Case Study & Presentation


Course schedule, topics, evaluation, and assignments may be changed at the instructor’s discretion. Check regularly for current schedule.