Week 5: Mobile Video

Collaborative Video

There are two parts to this workflow for creating a collaborative video: Mobile Upload and YouTube Editor

Part 1: Mobile Upload

  1. Record a video clip on a mobile device show a specific number of items: Angie 1, Ashley 2, Briana 3, Courtney 4, Erin 5, Hilary 6, Jen 7, Michelle 8, Tash 9, Ryan B 10, Ryan R 11, Taylor 12. For example, Sasha might record 8 lemons, and Linda might record 2 cars driving.
  2. Email that clip to the email address on the YouTube Settings page. For this project, email your video clip to 9olc7zlyr6rw@m.youtube.com  (On the YouTube Settings page on your own account, you can select a different mobile address if it is inappropriate.)
  3. The email subject = video title (include the number you were assigned); email body = video description
  4. The email address above will upload the file to the EDUC 514 YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/eduawesome .
  5. The default for uploads (on the 514 YouTube account) is Creative Commons. This allows others to edit videos.

Part 2: YouTube Editor

  1. Go to  http://www.youtube.com/editor
  2. Click on Creative Commons tab (CC), and search for the tag “514week5”.
  3.  Drag each classmates’ clip from that new playlist into your editing timeline.
  4. Trim the clips (beginning/end).
  5. Click the music tab, and select a soundtrack.
  6. Save the new video to your channel.
  7. Submit the URL of the new video.